From early on I have been curious-minded and interested in understanding the ‘human quest’ a little deeper; such I got to study in the fields of (to mention just a few): Energy Psychology, the Mind-Body-connection i.e. Psychosomatics, Reiki, principles of Frequency-Medicine translated into Sound- and Soul-essential-therapies including Astrology & Positive Psychology, NLP, and Breath which allow to reach beyond common experience of limiting pain into realms of expanded Realities of Heart, Tantra, Sound Healing, Therapeutic Massage, Essential Oils, and Movement Therapies. It is said that movement is for the body what meditation is for the mind. And how else but through actual movement of molecules can our bodies (then however with ease!) manifest Health and Well-being?
At this point allow me to invite you to an experience of my passion: guiding you through perhaps 3-6 sessions of Consciousness-inspired and Breath-integrated GYROTONICS! – to me the very best all those many ways to teach and train the Body-Mind-Heart-Soul complex to remember and reinforce its Potential of pure Presence-Awareness. You will see: it’s easy to learn! It’s effective, efficient, and often results are experienced immediately after the first session! You will likely find yourself feeling and breathing lighter, standing taller, moving with more Ease and Grace and… smiling! 😊
Did any of all of this awaken your curiosity and interest?
If yes, then I would love for you to get in touch to explore and maybe master the world of movement… and being… in a whole new way – the Gyrotonic-kind-of way!
Once you begin…you can become…whatever you wish! 😊
Looking forward to hopefully being able to welcome, guide, share time and joy, breath and breakthroughs on your unique and individual journey to more of happily moving you!